To What Extent Is Hamlet A Tragic Hero

One nonprofit organization, LGBT Fans Deserve Better, was created in response to the disproportionate amount of death and unhappy endings for LGBTQ+ characters, especially female LGBTQ+ characters, which have been killed at an alarming rate over the years. This is often translated into meaning he or she is a king or queen, and certainly classical and Shakespearean tragic heroes are “nobility”, but I think we’re better concentrating on the characters great intelligence or goodness, rather than simply his or her social status. The king has this to say about him. It was more about ‘Are you gay now. Leontes’ best friend, Polixines, is staying with them, and Leontes is trying to convince him to stay for another month people sure did hang out for long periods of time back then. I already have some primary sources but could use some help in expanding my list of things to go over. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the lead character, Macbeth is indeed a traditional tragic hero. © 2023 Ancient Literature. Some type of tragic event, something destroyed, or the death of an important character. A flawless plan that surely won’t result in Kratos swearing vengeance against Ares and all of Olympus. But this ultimately leads to him having to come clean as he burns the candle at both ends. Especially when it is a loved one. In the subsequent films, the lead characters’ name has been altered, but his trajectory has remained the same. This drives him t create a human, but unfortunately, his creation is not perfect. His rejection of Ophelia, combined with his murder of her father, drives her to madness and, presumably, to suicide. As the series progresses, Allen begins to speak in a less formal way, reverting to the way he spoke before he met Mana. More on Shakespearean tragedy and tragic heroes here. In Jack London’s To Build a Fire, it is evident that Greek Tragedy is a theme that can be seen throughout the short story. Here are The 10 Most Tragic TV Show Deaths Of The Decade, Ranked. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he finally dies by being torn apart. ” A tragic hero must have some virtues and be a mix of good and terrible. Come chapter three, and his emotional state, to him at least, was beyond repair, and his only wish was to go out with a bang before reuniting with his dearly beloved. Macbeth shoots down any thoughts of killing King Duncan at first “I have but to spur to prick the sides of my intent, But only vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on th’other” Shakespeare 1. Oh Gabriel: so sweet, but so, so dumb. The book ‘Sheikh Abdullah: The Tragic Hero of Kashmir’ by an old hand journalist Ajit Bhattacharjea seems to be just a small window that provides a peep into Sheikh’s downfall to obscurity. Even Jowy kills someone at one point. However, the character of Macbeth doesn’t evoke pity nor fear as. Continue reading this essay Continue reading.

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Essay on Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a Tragic Hero

In all tragedies, the main character, called a tragic hero, suffers and usually dies at the end. I can play through this game any day and still get the feels that I got playing through it the first time. Mercutio’s death is sudden and makes death a dark reality for several characters, causing a domino effect that leads ultimately to the tragic climax. But you watch it now and wonder how they even got together in the first place. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. In another of Shakespeare’s plays, Hamlet, Prince Hamlet cries out, “To be, or not to be: that is the question:/” which appears similar to the question some readers still ask, “Is or is not Macbeth a tragic hero. Compare it with what we learn about the Delphic oracle in the rest of the trilogy. The analogy, however, may be misleading if it is pursued too far, insofar as concepts such as fate and freedom and thus fatal flaw must be interpreted very differently within the Christian paradigm than within the Greek paradigm. “Someone give those guys a vacation. Maureen and Joann, our other queer couple, constantly fight because of Maureen’s philandering—let’s not even get into the “bi girl can’t commit” stereotypes there—and eventually break up at Angel’s funeral. Antigone is ready to offer her life in order to prove her point since she favors dying with honor over dying as a coward, “I am not afraid of the danger; if it means dea. The fact that he murdered his brother and married his sister in law is enough to condemn him, but he did not stop there. Former Republican Congressman William Hays left his role in politics to become the head of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association. When that fails he tries to convince Karin’s father, Karl Steinhoff to drop the charges. He hit him angered when wishing to learn more about how he would become the 14th Noah, Nea, and wanted more information from him. Casey Affleck won a Best Actor Oscar for his heartbreaking performance as Lee Chandler in 2016’s Manchester By The Sea. Also consider discussing how the character transforms perhaps in applying Kohlberg’s moral stages, how this change is related to the title of the play. Banquo then becomes Macbeth’s next target, since “There is none but he , / Whose being I do fear,” since Banquo witnessed the witches’ prophecies and believes that Macbeth “played’st most foully” to become king 3. This person is doomed by fate, some supernatural force to be destroyed, or endure great suffering. He was completely corrupted by the power of the ring and lost everything — becoming a shell of his former self while living in complete isolation. April was a particularly cruel month, but it was a revealing glimpse of a chronic problem. In this sense, hamartia serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us to be mindful of the inherent imperfections within ourselves and the world around us. This insanity leads King Lear to rediscover himself and through his insanity, he actually gains wisdom and knowledge through a better understanding of the world. Romeo is an appropriate example because he demonstrates flaw, experiences a reversal of fortune brought by his own actions, and later realises that the reversal of fortune brought on him was his fault. He is manipulated by his jealous and deceitful friend Iago, which leads him to murder his own wife in a fit of jealous rage. Three main theories of the tragic hero are the Aristotelian model, the Shakespearean model, and the modern tragic hero. The tragedy of Macbeth tells a story about a man named Macbeth that wants to be king. See your Common Core State Standards for the correct grade appropriate strands. The hero’s downfall is the result of his hamartia: his error or transgression or as some translators would have it his flaw or weakness of character” Kennedy and Gioia, 2013. He also tried to find her soup after finding out that she was sick, though he had to protect her from unknown creatures.

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Although most of his colleagues assume he ages normally, one of his enemies, Nea, who possesses his body later on, suspects he has not really aged and could possibly be growing younger. ” A major flaw that causes an error in judgement: Obsession Temper Low confidence Impulsiveness Pride see next slide. On the downside, that turns out about as well as you’d expect. Some of these characters, however, have lived rough lives, and their backstories are filled with tragedy and despair. Though, to our surprise, it isn’t one the player expects, and is far more bittersweet than the vast majority of story driven games. Eventually, Oedipus discovers that Laius had been his father, and that he had, in fact, unwittingly killed him years earlier, and that the fateful event had led directly to him marrying his own mother. Macbeth and Banquo are in no way at either end of the moral spectrum; Banquo’s traitorous dreams indicate that he is not immune from the strength of temptation, nor is Macbeth lacking a conscience altogether. Nonetheless, Fisher Tiger was a great fishman, an inspiration to all races. While she ended up becoming a part of that huge monster in the end, you can’t deny that you feel bad for her the poor girl only wanted to get a date with Billy and now, she’s dead. In the season finale, Eleven takes out Connie, as well as several other people, and ends up crushing her brain, all in one moment. A tragic hero is defined as a great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat. The Auditores’ deaths is quantifiably the most tragic ones in the franchise, but at the same time a necessary plot device. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Her relationship with the other underground humans adds a sense of community and belonging to the show’s overall story. Enter the email address you signed up with and we’ll email you a reset link. ” “How did Finn wind up in the Land of Ooo. Aristotle’s, The Poetics, explains the necessary components to create a powerful Tragedy. An examination of Macbeths elevated social status, reversal of fortune, and finally, catastrophic conclusion will reveal him to be an iconic tragic. It was at that time that the Flame Hashira had saved him. A journalist reporting the events initially despises Garrett but comes to recognize his dilemma. The Farm is strong in Adventure Time because it represents the show’s exploration of societal norms and the way they shape our lives. The character was a gentle giant, helping the Stark family, and he could only say one word: Hodor. So that the enemy’s plans could crash and burn, he willingly gave up his life. Claudius also fulfills the other three characteristics of a tragic hero. Their tragic flaw is their impetuousness and their willingness to defy the expectations of their families and society. An ending that is truly tragic has a hero who commits a misdeed, earning a punishment at the end. The editors of the Arden Shakespeare question the idea of “source hunting”, pointing out that it presupposes that authors always require ideas from other works for their own, and suggests that no author can have an original idea or be an originator.

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In order to be identified as a tragic hero‚ a character must have at least one fatal flaw. However, as predicted, Gwen became a bargaining chip for Spider Man’s enemies, and he could not save her from the fatal drop from the building. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. On his last journey, Kratos battled the Titans and the Olympians, and he ended up presumably dead next to the blade of Olympus. The reason why it’s important to make sure positive elements of LGBT life is represented more often in movies is because persistently focusing on the negative will only reinforce the idea that LGBT stories are somehow lesser than, and that’s a view point we as a society need to change. Reyna asks Kait, her daughter, to cut the flesh connecting her to the hive, even though it’s the only thing keeping her alive. My favorite game of all time is Suikoden 2 and there are many tragic things in this game. Steiner states that tragedy concerns dark and mysterious forces that torment humanity for sport. Let Our AI Magic Supercharge Your Grades. For example, there is the crimson tapestries gives us the view that there is an artery of blood going into the palace. When he and his squadmates find themselves trapped in a hopeless situation, Dom drives his truck into a fuel tank, causing it to explode, which kills both himself and the Locust enemies. They do, and then cut off her hands and tongue so that she can’t tell anyone who assaulted her. Killua wants to live his life the way he chooses, free of his family’s expectations. The bad guy does a bad thing and the good guy saves the day. I guess the old saying is true, “Pride comes before the fall”. Some scholars maintain that equating hamartia with “tragic error” is most faithful to Aristotle’s original definition, and to the etymological root of the word, which means “missing the mark. Price on the side of his deathbed. 1135, and then in John Higgins’ poem The Mirror for Magistrates in 1574, as well as appearing in Holinshed’s Chronicles in 1587. If you haven’t created compelling characters whose fates your readers are emotionally invested in, you’re going to have a hard time writing a death scene that packs a punch. Many great stories in video games, namely ones that pull on your heartstrings, share a common theme. In the chilling final moments of the following episode, Alicia closed her tear soaked eyes and imagined Will telling her, “I’m sorry. Even though it’s that one person that donates 1 million dollars to a charity and is the humblest to the meanest to the poor that will stay nice even with ultimate power. She likes to write and she likes to consume visual media, here she combines both. Read this tragic account of how power and greed tear apart an already unlucky family. ” During the battle at Gallipoli, Bishop takes it upon himself to ensure that one relatively naive young man, Jack Foster, makes it through the day. But in HBO’s The Last of Us, two men who fall in love in the apocalypse, actually get to live their lives, and for once, choose to go out on their own terms.

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RELATED: 10 Best TV Shows With A Great Message. It’s not that long after that that Special Agent Connie Frazier Catherine Dyer arrives and shoots him in the head, making his death look like a suicide. In the 2001 musical Moulin Rouge. The elements of a Shakespearean tragedy are discussed below. By clicking Sign up you confirm that your data has been entered correctly and you have read and agree to our Terms of use, Cookie policy and Privacy notice. Soap, critically wounded because of the fall, passes away in a heart touching scene with Cpt. The external conflict is with Claudius ‘the mighty opposer’ and the murderer of Hamlet’s father. Whether it’s their background story, what happens throughout the game, or their fate at the end, some video game characters are nothing less than tragic with tales that can bring tears to even the strongest person’s eyes or at least melt an icy heart a tiny bit. Allen is commonly accompanied by Timcampy, a small flying Golem given to him by his mentor, Exorcist General Cross Marian. This situation ultimately leads to your sister being hit and killed unless certain things have been done. Even though Agamemnon and Gilgamesh both shares kingship, and Achilles is gifted godlike strength like Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh proves he’s superior as an iconic hero. We have a lot to thank this great man for. Naruto ends up the Nine Tailed Fox Spirit sealed inside him at birth the spirit that nearly destroyed the whole village years earlier, because of his secret he is ostracized by everyone, with no parents or friends and everyone avoiding him he constantly acts out not because he means any harm but because he desperately want’s everyone to notice him. Against a lavish backdrop of luxury and intrigue, Massie unfolds a family tragedy played out on the brutal stage of early twentieth century. Hubris leads to his family falling apart, his ally, Jesse’s mental deterioration, and his own defeat; he never overcomes his hamartia.

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There are a few key elements that make a hero tragic. In 1984, philosopher Merold Westphal said that the story depicts “death as an enemy which. Tragic heroes like King Lear, Brutus, Othello, Hamlet also face internal and external conflicts. She continues to search the world for elusive books on royalty to add to her library and is always on the lookout for new topics to write about and share with her readers. As in literature, hamartia frequently appears in film, working to complicate characters and drive plots. Related: The 17 Cutest Anime Girls, Ranked And Why They’re So Lovable. In Agamemnon , the protagonist, Agamemnon, is a secondary character to his wife who, in my opinion is the main character. This connects to the story because of the extreme emotions felt throughout the play, that are eventually relieved by the outcome, making it a successful. So go explore whichever of these lesser known Greek tragedies you haven’t read. What hurt more was how perfect Hazel and Gus were for each other, as they taught each other how to live life to the fullest. It’s all a masterpiece. Even after he finally admits to his madness in dealing with Achilles and attempts to reverse the error with gifts and the return of Briseis, he only insults Achilles. The roots of Russia’s crisis go back 30 years. Hamlet’s ability to endure suffering allows him to realize how valuable. The Amleth story was subsequently adapted and then published in French in 1570 by the 16th century scholar François de Belleforest. Hamlet fits these criteria as he is a protagonist who is a prince, the son of a king. When the play was written is relevant because it is during a time of transition in England. Eventually, the tragic hero realizes they’re responsible for all the bad things happening on the heels of their decision. After all these years, it was so satisfying to actually see Finn’s mother and it was such a beautiful moment as the two once again were temporarily forced to say goodbye.

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Most of the time, the main characters in video games are designed to be uplifting role models with modest beginnings who achieve great things. Shakespeare composed plays during the Elizabethan era. The stories presented on stage were then divided into two main genres that we still use today – tragedy and comedy. Place for fans of PatStaresAt, WoolieVS, and Matt McMuscles to hang out and chat. The most common tragic flaw or hamartia for a tragic hero to have is hubris, or excessive pride and self confidence. Elizabeth’s actions towards John avertedly reveals that she knows of the affair, and John wants to mend the relationship between him and his wife; he says, “When will you know me, woman. One major element of hamartia is often hubris. Tragic heroes are the key ingredient that make tragedies, well, tragic. Antigone by Sophocles is a play about two people trapped in by society’s laws of time. Rachel may be just one of John Constantine’s several love interests, but her disastrous demise makes her memorable for all the wrong reasons. Man can be a hero in spite of having some flaws. All you need to know is that there are these several slightly different definitions of hamartia, and some people adhere to one over the other. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is already the Thane of Glamis presumably as a reward for earlier performance in combat, and throughout the course of the story he earns the title of Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland. Many characters in The Crucible have personal flaws that lead/contribute to tragedy. The early 1850s until the late 1920s marked a turbulent and significant era for Russia. Hence, playwrightswrote plays that fit the conventions of their time and place. The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 3, “Long, Long Time,” relegated Joel and Ellie to a supporting role and shifted the primary story to exploring the relationship between two minor characters from the game. This Walking Dead Season 8 plot twist was deeply tragic, altering the paths of numerous characters on the show. Thousands of children fleeing the conflict across Ukraine are missing vital vaccines to protect them from polio, measles, diphtheria, and other life threatening diseases, UNICEF said. Heroes come and go, but Batman remains, brooding, traumatized, and always ready to do whatever it takes. It’s hard to tell whether tragic backstories have reached peak popularity in recent years, or if we simply become more aware of them as we grow older and read more mature literature. I don’t know if a thread about tragic backstories has been done yet but I’m interested in hearing about your character’s tragic backstories. Ironic indeed, that the very settings that the lessons might be most valuably heard in this day and age, are amongst the least likely, of all of humanity, to be listening.

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As the Greek dramatists portray tragic flaw, tragic heroes inflict their own fates upon themselves. Adventure Time’s influence on our modern crop of animated TV cannot be understated. No part of this website or its content may be reproduced without the. Kullervo, a tragic hero from the Karelian and Finnish 19th century epic poetry Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot, curses beasts from the woods to attack his tormenter, the Maiden of the North. Shepherd, who previously fought alongside the men, wants to take credit for their mission and be seen as a national hero. And Silvia won’t even return his advances. Your browser does not support the element. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Macbeth can be considered a tragic hero because he exhibits most of the defining literary characteristics of a traditional tragic hero. The course is taught in concentrated fashion within one half semester 4 hours per week. Voquent London71 75 Shelton StreetLondon, WC2H 9JQ. It is easier to understand a flawed character than a perfect hero figure, because everyone is inherently flawed. Antigone is ready to offer her life in order to prove her point since she favors dying with honor over dying as a coward, “I am not afraid of the danger; if it means dea. Terms and Privacy Policy. He offers her a divorce but later returns on realising she loved him and not Ashley all along but he rebuffs her advances and leaves her in tears. Many characters die in Harry Potter, but the series’ most important deaths are arguably Lily and James Potter, Harry’s parents. A crucial error in judgement or decision making and an unavoidable ill fated ending characterize a tragic hero’s character arc and guide the happenings in a storyline. Son original Sanchez mateo. It argues that the contradiction or correspondence of each author’s political ideals with the popular political consensus of the time denoted the failure or success of their works. Her films were the perfect escapist pictures. Although Macbeth should of listened to his conscience in the beginning when he thought that murdering Duncan was a bad idea and was trying to tell Lady Macbeth, “we will proceed no more in this business. Macbeth can be considered a Shakespearean tragedy because this play by William Shakespeare meets several of the most important criteria of such a tragedy. I was 12 at that time and was beginning to go through puberty, was getting into girls, and I related a lot to Finn because he was going through the same stuff that I was going through at the time. Dźwięk oryginalny peaknight.

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He could not resist the Ring’s call to him, returning over and over again until it destroyed him and turned him into a creature that was no longer recognizable. It should move the plot along. But to be human is to be flawed, Aristotle points out. Hamartia is inextricably linked to the understanding of human nature. This would include the story of the ancient Roman, Lucius Junius Brutus, which Shakespeare apparently knew, as well as the story of Amleth, which was preserved in Latin by 13th century chronicler Saxo Grammaticus in his Gesta Danorum, and printed in Paris in 1514. Through the three plays Agamemnon by Aeschylus, Oedipus the King by Sophocles and Hippolytus by Euripides, there are three prevalent themes. It was sometimes difficult to keep herself together. This makes him the tragic hero because his hubris character leads him to a downfall circumstance. Aristotle’s definition of a tragedy is that a tragedy is an imitation mimesis of an action that is morally admirable. Gene, Finny, and Leper, the characters of the novel, A Separate Peace fail to realize the life changing events that they all go through.

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Other characters who have appeared on the show will be familiar to readers who know about their sad stories, which include Lyta Hall, Nada, and even Despair. King Varian, acting leader of the Alliance, sacrifices himself for the greater good, fighting the infinite demons of the Burning Legion so that his compatriots can get to safety. Ashitaka defeated him but got himself cursed in the process. ✎ A pen☰ A word document, notepad or paper to record your ideas. When Jack tries to save her, Angel uses her powers to kill the bandit and, unintentionally, her mother. U/untitledmanuscript. Just as Othello was wrongly influenced by Iago the antagonist in the play, Macbeth was influenced by his wife, making his character very raw and life like as well. How did Montez, a Hollywood outsider if ever there was one, make it to become an A list leading lady. John is stubborn and loving with his wife but is also very aggressive with others that make him mad. TikTok video from King @king. Oedipus married a beautiful woman and had kids with her but little does he know, she married her own mother, Jacosta. There’s the scene where Bill and Frank first make an emotional connection at Bill’s piano. Hamlet fits these criteria as he is a protagonist who is a prince, the son of a king.


A more modern example shows that tragic heroes aren’t even beholden to film. Demography is not always destiny; and Russia did for a while begin to reverse its decline in the mid 2010s. What stays with me from Adventure Time, then, is this deeply sensitive, caring, careful approach to its characters and its world. After students have finished reading the novel or play, reinforce this lesson by asking them to complete their own storyboard, showing each attribute using a scene and quote from the text. Victor may have shunned him, but he was all the monster had and following his death, he is left totally alone without purpose or companionship. Her parents abandoned both of their children and did not care if their survival even meant killing other people. They have similar goals to you but you took different paths to achieve them. The trope treats queer LGBTQ+ characters as if they’re easily expendable and undeserving of their own development. The monster is hurt by this rejection and takes out his revenge, destroying his creation. Aristotle’s Elements of a Tragedy. If the owner wants it taken down, please comment on it.


This game at moments hit too close to home, if you ever had a really close friend then the bond between Max and Chloe will impact you like it impacted me. While the modern understanding of hamartia is predominantly associated with flaws or errors, the original Greek word had a more comprehensive meaning. Isn’t that the whole point. Reviewing the same fight as Brienza, Otaku USA’s Joseph Luster praised the development of Allen’s traits throughout the series and also enjoyed his battle against Tyki. “I’m just your problem. An archetype meaning to me is when a character can resemblance a certain topic. The story begins with a montage of their lives, from moment they met to their wedding to their old age. Shane obviously turned into a walker and was soon shot in the head by Carl. The Last of Us is available to stream on HBO Max. Lexa’s downfall, while not pointless, was disappointing. Professional Writers that Guarantee an On time Delivery. He believed that Macbeth had something to do with the murders of King Duncan and Banquo. In the beginning of the play as we first hear of Macbeth from a wounded captain. RELATED: The 20 Saddest Deaths in Bleach. Votes: 703,098 Gross: $369. Look on’t again I dare not. He’s a pariah throughout the community, unable to escape his reputation. 565 Likes, TikTok video from ogbrownnerd @ogbrownnerd: “Replying to @ogbrownnerd The most tragic MCU characters. When the lead guard, Paul, recognizes John’s gift, he tries to help stave off the condemned man’s execution. In reality, the prologue really was the first and last moment we shared together. In the classic Antigone, Creon is a tragic hero. After Maedhros’ hands were burned for his “evil deeds” against Eönwë, he cast himself and the Silmaril he carried into a fiery chasm and died. As is the case with most wars, the cause of the Trojan War is arguably quite pointless because it stems from nothing more than wounded egos. How does Aeschylus create an atmosphere of numinous foreboding. To install StudyMoose App tap and then “Add to Home Screen”. The Most Tragic Channel😰😳. I know this from my personal experiences growing up. Page, Aeschylus, Agamemnon Oxford, 1957. Rather, the term can only be used in the context of tragedies, or stories with tragic heroes in which the protagonist incites his or her own downfall.


Her short stories can be found in such publications as Queer Sci Fi, Jerry Jazz Musician, Dark Peninsula Press, and Third Flatiron Anthologies. But a particularly unwarranted death of the lesbian warrior Lexa after she and the bisexual lead Clarke had consummated their love on the CW’s The 100 set off unprecedented fan backlash that resulted in Twitter campaigns and threats from the relatively small audience of a boycott. The usual irony in Greek tragedy is that the hero is both extraordinarily capable and highly moral in the Greek honor culture sense of being duty bound to moral expectations, and it is these exact, highly admirable qualities that lead the hero into tragic circumstances. There was no way to stop her death, and no way to avoid her and their love. He doesn’t think of the consequences. I can’t even describe how much I cried when the ending inevitably came. In the first act of Macbeth, many things are going well, for everybody. Comparable to Gilgamesh are son of Zeus, Achilles and son of Atreus, Agamemnon. Though often fun loving and witty, the latter demonstrated in his Queen Mab speech in the first act, Mercutio’s sense of humour can at times be facetious or even coarse, much to his friends’ annoyance. As a literary device, the modern interpretation of tragic flaw can be traced back to the tragedies of William Shakespeare. Leslie Shay was a woman who was unapologetically sassy, witty, caring and gay. Samus is the sole survivor after a gang of space pirates destroys her colony. Sometimes developers decide to sneak important information into optional missions, post credits scenes you had no idea existed, or simply the wider context of the story. Which side of 110th street were you born super rich or super poor. He has a long beard and blue skin as an effect of the crown and a blue robe that makes his body look big, though he is really skinny.